Sunday, December 14, 2008



I’ve heard lots of stories ‘bout LOVE.

Some may say its heaven.

….it’s like Hell…

Or it’s like heaven and earth…

Why can’t we just love and be happy? Why do we need to do a lot of sacrifices, take a lot of risks just for the ones we love? Why do we get hurt? And why does some falls in love but in the long run falls out of love.

These are just some of the questions that everyone wanted to know.

Then, it made me think and wonder.

It made me realize a lot of things that when we love, it takes a lot of effort to keep it. We need to work hard for the love to keep burning and exciting. Patience, trust, loyalty, faith, understanding, etc. Everything we can do all for the sake of LOVE.

When we fall in love with someone, it doesn’t mean that we’d be happy for the rest of our lives. It has to undergo struggles, pains and misunderstandings. The more we love, the more we get hurt. But holding on to the one you love and who love’s you back is the best way to fight all these inevitable and uncertain events in your lives.

These are the only facts that I know about LOVE.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Soldier Is A Gift

A Soldier Is A Gift
By: Joanna Fuchs

As we celebrate Christmas, and we open our gifts,
we realize what priceless gifts a soldier gives to our country—
the gifts of patriotism, service, and deep dedication to our nation.

As we feast on a variety of fine Christmas delicacies,
we acknowledge that a soldier personifies a variety of fine qualities:
courage, good character, honor, fortitude amidst hardship,
persistence in subduing evil, and bravery in the face of danger.

A soldier is a cut above the rest of us,
doing jobs we could not or would not do.
While we are surrounded by Christmas comforts,
we remember soldiers in places we would not want to be,
bringing the gift of adaptability to any situation,
no matter how harsh or difficult.

As we "ooh" and "aah" over the Christmas lights and shiny ornaments
we recognize that a soldier gives us the most cherished gift of all,
the shining light of freedom.

At Christmas, let us wrap our hearts and minds
around our treasured soldiers.
May they understand how very much their service means to us.
Let us send the Christmas gifts of love, respect and admiration
to our steadfast, loyal, magnificent warriors
and their essential civilian support staff.

They themselves are the most precious Christmas gift of all,
our protectors—our soldiers.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Quality Time With My Sisters....

Quality Time With My Sisters!

We had a nice chat with my two younger sisters. It has been quite sometime since our last chat together. Well, it feels great to spend quality time with them... MY Mom seemed very happy... She had been so anxious to talk with them again... , her wish was granted.

We talked like old days. Shared secrets, sighs, and laughs..Tease each other sometimes. Yeah, we were just laughing all the time... Sometimes, we do exchange naughty thoughts like real adults.... Laugh at it.. had some fun... Oh, that's how girls are sometimes. The best thing is that, everybody is happy.

I can always be myself with them... Though, I feel hesitant at times to share some of my sentiments, but they always make me feel good and I can just trust them that much... They are my sisters, my mom and they are also my bestfriends.

In this world, its soo hard to find good sisters, who could laugh, cry and be with you always... It may not be physically but in spite of the distance you can still feel the warmth of their love. I know, before, we have some misunderstandings in the past, but that was just a part of growing up... Now we're adults, we just know how to understand each other completely.

It was hard at first, to be separated from them, coz since birth, we've always been inseparable. Mom unfailingly brought us everywhere she go. Thats why, the feeling of being apart from them was soo new to us, but we're able to apprehend that it's what reality brings, that in time, everybody will surely undergo this kind of change, everyone has to have their own family.

I know that seeing my sisters happy, is what Mom always wanted... And I am sooo glad that they are just completely happy and contented with their lives. Love you sisters.. and We're Missing You here much.... mwahhh...

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